Wilderness Mental Shortcut Series | Are you more likely to do something that you’re not sure about if you see others doing it, or see evidence that others have done...
Wilderness Mental Shortcut Series | Experts, they know what’s right. Right? But what if you’ve only assumed they are the expert? That’s at the heart of the heuristic trap known...
Wilderness Mental Shortcut Series | Commitment is a heuristic that can be incredibly rewarding in everyday life, and even in the outdoors when applied correctly. It’s also known as being ‘goal...
Wilderness Mental Shortcut Series | Ever laughed at a joke you really didn’t think was funny? Pushed harder than you should at the gym to impress bystanders? The desire to fit...
Wilderness Mental Shortcut Series | Heuristics – the rules we use for solving a problem – play a critical role in our lives every day, providing mental shortcuts that help...